DNA Sequencing
Genetech is an authorised agent for a world-leading company of genomic analysis which provides a wide variety of services including DNA sequencing and oligo nucleotide synthesis. This has enabled Genetech to provide the following services to Sri Lanka at an affordable price range.

DNA Sequencing services
Capillary Electrophoresis Sequencing
CES analyses DNA sequences using Big Dye chemistry (Sanger Sequencing) and the ABI 3730xl analyser. CES can be performed either in individual PCR tubes or in 96 well plates for high throughput sequencing. The reaction can be conducted using both universal as well as custom made primers. The method is commonly used to sequence relatively shorter fragments of DNA for a variety of purposes.
Sequencing of PCR products and plasmid
CES is generally used for sequencing of PCR products and plasmid DNA up to 1,000 bp in length. A special CES service is also available for the ‘difficult sequencing’ such as high GC rich DNA, homopolymers, repetitive sequences and those with strong secondary structures.
In addition, we accept the unamplified DNA and unprocessed biological samples for sequencing services. We also undertake to sequence PCR products containing nonspecific bands. Upon request, post sequence analysis (sequence alignments, phylogenetic tree construction, genome annotation etc.) services are also available to help the researchers interpret the results.
Sequencing bacterial and fungal colonies
16S r-RNA gene sequencing is a common method used to identify bacterial species. As per the customer requirement, we undertake to sequence different length options up to 1400 bp. For the sequencing of fungal colonies, we provide three options: 18S rRNA gene (> 1,600 bp guaranteed), 26S rRNA gene (> 1,300 bp guaranteed) and ITS region (> 500 bp guaranteed). We also offer post-sequencing analysis services to assist species identification.
Next-Generation Sequencing
NGS, massively parallel or deep sequencing are related terms that describe a DNA sequencing technology which has been developed for genomic research during recent years. The technology performs parallel sequencing of millions of DNA fragments which are assembled into single genome using bioinformatics analysis. In contrast to the first-generation Sanger sequencing technology, NGS provides a much more efficient tool enabling the sequencing of the entire human genome within a single day.
We offer numerous NGS sequencing techniques such as Whole Genome Sequencing, Metagenome Sequencing, Exome Sequencing, Transcriptome Sequencing and Epigenome Sequencing. Different NGS platforms are available to meet the varying requirement of these techniques. Our scientists will help you choose the best NGS option and platforms depending on your requirement. We also offer to assist in the bioinformatics analysis of NGS data.