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- Job Vacancies | Genetech
Explore career opportunities at Genetech in molecular biology, biotechnology, and more. Join our team of scientists, accountants, receptionists, and other professionals. Job Vacancies Apologies - We are not recruiting for any position at this time. Please check again later. You can follow our Facebook page, Instagram page and LinkedIn page to stay updated on job opportunities, internship opportunities, and the services we offer at Genetech.
- DNA Typing Services | Genetech
Explore Genetech’s DNA Typing Services for legal paternity, crime scene analysis, and identity verification in complex cases. DNA Typing Services Child custody and maintenance: In cases where one parent is claiming the custody and maintenance of a child and the other parent is refusing to accept parentage. Proof of adultery: Especially in divorce cases where the paternity of the child is suspect, and the wife is being accused of adultery, DNA typing can be used to determine whether the husband is the father of the child. Rape, which has resulted in pregnancy: DNA typing of tissue samples from the mother, child and suspected offender can be analysed to determine whether he is the father of the child. Testamentary cases: When a deceased person's wealth is to be distributed among his or her heirs, it is sometimes necessary to determine who the heirs are. DNA typing can be used to prove blood relationship to the deceased individual. Immigration: Individuals and families interested in establishing a proven biological link to their relatives ultimately enhance their chances of a successful application for immigration. Identity testing in cases involving immigration may include answering questions of paternity, maternity, and sibling relationships. Twin studies: DNA typing can be used to determine whether twins are identical or not. Identification of mutilated bodies: When a deceased person's body is mutilated and cannot be identified directly, such as in fire, vehicle accidents, bomb blasts, or due to prolonged burial, it is possible to identify these persons by comparing their DNA profiles with that of their close relatives'. Murder, violent assault, robbery: In these cases, a sample of tissue from the criminal is sometimes found at the scene of the crime, and if there is a suspect, DNA typing can very accurately determine whether the sample of tissue belongs to the suspect, thereby linking the suspect to the crime. Furthermore, a sample of tissue from the victim may be found on the criminal (such as blood stains on the criminal's clothing). Similarly, DNA typing can be used to determine whether the sample of tissue belongs to the victim in such cases, thereby connecting the suspect to the victim. Rape and other sexual offences: In these cases, semen and saliva samples may be obtained from the body and clothing of the victim. DNA typing can be used to determine whether the sample of tissue belongs to the suspect, thereby linking the suspect to the crime. In such cases, DNA typing can be used very effectively to identify the criminal only if the offense is reported immediately, and DNA samples are taken as soon as possible. Establishment of identity in insurance claims: It is often necessary to establish the identity of a claimant in life insurance claims. DNA typing can determine the relationship of the claimant to the insured individual. DNA typing is also extremely effective in identifying individuals who have died in accidents or by other causes, and whose bodies have been severely mutilated making conventional identification impossible. Hence, DNA typing can be used to confirm the death of the insured person. Establishment of a criminal DNA profile data bank: Many countries have enacted legislation to establish a DNA databank, containing profiles from individuals convicted of specific crimes, especially violent crimes and sexual offences. Law enforcement agencies search these databanks for matches with DNA profiles from biological evidence of unsolved crimes. Using these databanks, law enforcement agencies have been successful in identifying suspects in cases thought to be unsolvable. Such databases are also a powerful deterrent to crime because the criminal knows that his DNA profile is on record.
- DNA Sequencing | Genetech
Discover affordable DNA sequencing services in Sri Lanka with Genetech. Explore CES and NGS for PCR products, plasmid DNA, bacterial and fungal colonies, with post-sequencing analysis options. DNA Sequencing Genetech is an authorised agent for a world-leading company of genomic analysis which provides a wide variety of services including DNA sequencing and oligo nucleotide synthesis. This has enabled Genetech to provide the following services to Sri Lanka at an affordable price range. DNA Sequencing services Capillary Electrophoresis Sequencing CES analyses DNA sequences using Big Dye chemistry (Sanger Sequencing) and the ABI 3730xl analyser. CES can be performed either in individual PCR tubes or in 96 well plates for high throughput sequencing. The reaction can be conducted using both universal as well as custom made primers. The method is commonly used to sequence relatively shorter fragments of DNA for a variety of purposes. Sequencing of PCR products and plasmid CES is generally used for sequencing of PCR products and plasmid DNA up to 1,000 bp in length. A special CES service is also available for the ‘difficult sequencing’ such as high GC rich DNA, homopolymers, repetitive sequences and those with strong secondary structures. In addition, we accept the unamplified DNA and unprocessed biological samples for sequencing services. We also undertake to sequence PCR products containing nonspecific bands. Upon request, post sequence analysis (sequence alignments, phylogenetic tree construction, genome annotation etc.) services are also available to help the researchers interpret the results. Sequencing bacterial and fungal colonies 16S r-RNA gene sequencing is a common method used to identify bacterial species. As per the customer requirement, we undertake to sequence different length options up to 1400 bp. For the sequencing of fungal colonies, we provide three options: 18S rRNA gene (> 1,600 bp guaranteed), 26S rRNA gene (> 1,300 bp guaranteed) and ITS region (> 500 bp guaranteed). We also offer post-sequencing analysis services to assist species identification. Next-Generation Sequencing NGS, massively parallel or deep sequencing are related terms that describe a DNA sequencing technology which has been developed for genomic research during recent years. The technology performs parallel sequencing of millions of DNA fragments which are assembled into single genome using bioinformatics analysis. In contrast to the first-generation Sanger sequencing technology, NGS provides a much more efficient tool enabling the sequencing of the entire human genome within a single day. We offer numerous NGS sequencing techniques such as Whole Genome Sequencing, Metagenome Sequencing, Exome Sequencing, Transcriptome Sequencing and Epigenome Sequencing. Different NGS platforms are available to meet the varying requirement of these techniques. Our scientists will help you choose the best NGS option and platforms depending on your requirement. We also offer to assist in the bioinformatics analysis of NGS data. Contact us
- About us | Genetech
Discover Genetech's commitment to excellence in genetics research and services. Founded in 2002 by Dr. Maya B. Gunasekera, we adhere to ISO 15189 standards. Our Story Genetech was founded with the vision of making the benefits of biotechnology accessible to the people of Sri Lanka. In pursuit of this objective, we have become a pioneer in the field of molecular life sciences in Sri Lanka. We introduced molecular diagnostics and DNA fingerprinting technology to Sri Lanka, and have established ourselves as one of the most progressive and respected private scientific facilities in the country. At present, we are a multi-faceted institution and our activities can be broadly categorised into the following areas: Molecular diagnostics of infectious and genetic diseases DNA typing for paternity testing and forensic casework Teaching of basic to advanced molecular biology Training of personnel involved in molecular biology Genetically modified (GM) and other food testing Sex determination of birds Diagnostics of animal diseases Research in the molecular life sciences Customised biotechnology solutions Molecular biology products Genetech was founded in 2002 by Dr. Maya B. Gunasekera, who obtained her Bachelor of Science with a First Class from the University of Colombo (1980-1983) and her doctorate from the National Institute of Medical Research, UK (1985-1988). She was a Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Colombo for 11 Years where she was responsible for introducing Molecular Biology and Gene Technology to the curriculum of the Faculty of Science. She was a pioneer in the use of DNA testing in forensic casework in Sri Lanka. She developed a new molecular method for the detection of the dengue virus among numerous published research findings. Dr. Maya Gunasekera passed away in April 2006. Her husband Dhammika N. Gunasekera, who is an old boy of Royal College (1968-1981), an alumnus of the University of Colombo (1981-1984) and of Imperial College London (1986-1989) is now the owner of Genetech and the managing trustee of Genetech Research Institute. Dr. Maya B. Gunasekera Founder of Genetech Our staff consisting of qualified scientists works with strong ethical commitment to the values of the principles of life sciences, mainly molecular biology. Our dedicated staff work with high levels of commitment and integrity to maintain the quality of our services. Much of our portfolio embodies the development and introduction of DNA based solutions by combining the current technology with latest advances. At Genetech, we ensure that the standard of laboratory organisation, management, analysis methodology, precision, quality control and safety are maintained at levels recommended by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 15189). All diagnostics tests conducted by us will initially undergo standard validation procedures prior to being used as a routine method of analysis. All the tests offered at Genetech are conducted onsite. We were named the winner of the National Science & Technology Award for Outstanding leadership in introducing advanced technologies and services presented by the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka in 2008. Our Services View > Courses and Internships View > Research View > Our Leadership View >
- Contact us | Genetech
For more information, please send an email to or call +94 11 2696992. 54 Kitulwatte Road, Colombo 08, Sri Lanka +94 112696992 +94 11 2696881 Fax: +94 (0) 11 2686137 Email: Head of Forensics, Parentage Testing and DNA Typing: Dr. Nandika Perera Email: Head of the School of Gene Technology and Disease Diagnostics: Ms. Yoshitha Wahalathanthri Email: DNA Sequencing Services Email: Contact Form Name Email Contact Number Subject Message Success! Message received. Send
- Our Tests | Genetech
Discover Genetech’s specialized testing services: from pioneering molecular diagnostics and DNA typing in Sri Lanka to precise GM food and animal disease testing. Ensure accuracy with our PCR-based tests. Our Tests Molecular Diagnostics We pioneered the use of molecular diagnostics in Sri Lanka. We seek evidence of a disease at the basic causative level by detecting the nucleic acids based on PCR technology. Read More GM and Other Food Testing We use a PCR method to identify the most common genetic elements that are generally found in Genetically Modified (GM) crops. Our test can be applied to a wide range of food items including crops and processed food. Read More DNA Typing We pioneered the use of DNA typing for human identification for forensic casework and analysis of family relationships including parentage testing. Read More Sex Determination of Birds Many bird species are monomorphic; thus, males and females cannot be distinguished visually. We offer molecular sexing for proper gender assignment of a wide range of bird species with an accuracy of 99.9%. Read More Animal Testing We are the only firm to provide a PCR based animal disease testing service in Sri Lanka. We offer tests which detect Canine Parvovirus, Canine Distemper, Canine Babesiosis and Canine Ehrlichiosis. In addition to animal disease testing, we provide a cattle parentage testing service through the use of DNA typing. Read More
- Samudi Mohotti | Genetech
Meet Samudi Mohotti, Genetech’s Senior Scientist leading parentage testing, with over 3,000 DNA reports for Sri Lanka’s judiciary. Samudi Mohotti Senior Scientist Samudi Mohotti commenced her professional career at Genetech as a Scientific Officer at the division of parentage testing in 2004. In subsequent years, she was promoted to the post of Senior Scientist and currently oversees the entire process of parentage testing. She is one of the most experienced scientists in the field of DNA typing and has contributed to submit over 3,000 DNA test reports for civil and criminal cases to the Sri Lankan Judiciary. She took part in the development of an allele frequency databases of autosomal STR markers for Sri Lankans ethnicities and co-authored a journal paper in a high-impact journal, Forensic Science International: Genetics. In addition to DNA typing, she is involved in many research projects conducted by Genetech on contract basis to meet the requests from both state and private institutes. She is also a key member of the team which maintains the ISO 15189 quality management system of our laboratory. Samudi obtained her BSc degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka and her Master’s degree in Applied Microbiology from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Internships | Genetech
Explore our comprehensive molecular biology internships, including disease diagnostics, DNA fingerprinting, and GM food testing. Hands-on training, expert supervision, and individual research assignments. Internships Internship with Industry Based Training Programme Our internships consist of shadow learning and hands-on training with individual attention, and self-learning is facilitated through the provision of appropriate reading materials. This will be supervised by the experts in the relevant fields. These internships are ideal for: • Graduates aiming to pursue careers or postgraduate studies in molecular biology, either in Sri Lanka or abroad. • Undergraduate and postgraduate students seeking practical experience in molecular biology applications. • Local and International A/L students looking to gain early exposure to molecular biology techniques. We provide the following 4 types of internships: Two-Week Industry Based Training Programme with an Optional Four-Week Internship involving an Individual Research Assignment Students can participate in the Two-Week Industry Based Training Programme to receive the required two weeks of training before being eligible to enrol in the four week internship involving an individual research assignment. The total fee for this Six-Week Internship will vary depending on the type of individual research assignment and equipment used. However, the fee for the first two weeks of this six-week internship is Rs. 64,500. Internship Programme in DNA Fingerprinting and Genetic Testing (Two Weeks, Four Weeks, and Six Weeks) Learn more 3. Internship Programme on Molecular Disease Diagnostics (Two Weeks and Six Weeks) Learn more Customised Internships Customised Internship Programmes to Meet Specific Requirements We offer tailor-made internship programmes designed to meet the specific needs of students and researchers. This includes the long-term internships required by the undergraduate degree programmes. The cost of these customised internships will vary based on the length of the programme and the specific requirements. 4. View FAQs Contact us If you are interested in doing an internship at Genetech, please submit the Inquiry Form below or email us at to receive further details. View Inquiry Form
- Customised Biotech | Genetech
Discover our customised biotechnology solutions: molecular characterisation, DNA testing, PCR, fragment analysis, cell/plant culturing, and sequencing. Partner with us for innovative research. Customised Biotechnology Solutions We have the personnel and the facilities to accommodate requests from various industries and researchers for customised solutions in the areas of molecular characterisation (microbes, plants and animals), DNA-based testing of environmental samples, molecular epidemiology and molecular systematics. We are prepared to work with fellow scientists from other institutions on inter-laboratory comparisons and method development. Our service encompasses the techniques based on conventional and real time PCR, automated fragment analysis, cell culturing, plant tissue culturing and sequencing (CES and NGS). Contact us View a list of our recent projects
- 1-3 Day Practical Courses | Genetech
Join our hands-on practical courses and gene technology workshops for A/L students and teachers. Hands-on training in PCR, DNA extraction, gel electrophoresis, and more. Fees start at Rs. 6,000. Min 10 students/session. Laboratory Practical Courses for A/L Students and Teachers One day workshop on gene technology Laboratory safety and handling of micropipettes Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Extraction of DNA from human blood and plants Preparation of agarose gels and agarose gel electrophoresis Basics in DNA profiling, DNA fingerprinting and DNA typing Basics in applications of PCR in disease diagnosis Fee: Rs. 6,000 per person (Minimum 10 students per session) Three day course on gene technology qPCR (Real time PCR) - Theory and Practicals Laboratory safety and handling of micropipettes Extraction of DNA from human blood and plants Preparation of agarose gels and agarose gel electrophoresis Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and gel electrophoresis of PCR products Basics in DNA profiling, DNA fingerprinting and DNA typing Basics in applications of PCR in disease diagnosis Fee: Rs. 18 ,000 per person (Minimum 10 students per session) View FAQs Contact us If you are interested in doing this course at Genetech, please submit the Inquiry Form below or email us at to receive further details. View Inquiry Form
- Technical Services | Genetech
Explore Genetech’s technical services in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. We provide precise sample analysis for researchers using established protocols. Learn about our analytical expertise today. Technical Services Genetech Research Institute offers technical services in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry-related ventures. We will provide analytical services as required by an external researcher: GRI will analyse samples provided by the external researcher using established protocols at GRI or detailed protocols provided by the external investigator. Samples will be analysed by the technical staff of Genetech and results will be reported to the external researcher. The external researcher will be charged a fee based on the number of samples and type of analysis. GRI will not be held responsible for any observations and conclusions made from this research.
- Dhammika Gunasekera | Genetech
Explore Dhammika Gunasekera’s journey from Royal College head prefect to Genetech’s owner and philanthropic force in Sri Lanka. Dhammika Gunasekera Owner of Genetech and Managing Trustee of Genetech Research Institute (GRI) Dhammika Gunasekera is the Owner of Genetech after the demise of his beloved wife Dr. Maya Gunasekera, the Founder of Genetech. He is also the owner of Dienge purveyors of handcrafted silver, fine art, gems and jewellery. Dhammika greatly values generosity and helps a large number of people and institutions financially. For example, he has given donations to the Sri Lanka Cancer Society, sponsored the Devapathiraja College (a school founded by his grandfather Sir Ernest De Silva) Rugby team in Rathgama, a rural area in Sri Lanka and met university tuition fees of students. He was a partner at Messrs. U. N. Gunasekera, a construction firm in Sri Lanka established by his father. The first two five-star hotels in Sri Lanka, namely, Lanka Oberoi (Cinnamon Grand) and Ceylon Inter-Continental (Kingsbury) were built by this company. He graduated from Imperial College London in 1989 with first class honours in civil engineering (BEng). Broadening his horizons to the field of accountancy, he became a passed finalist of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka in 1986. Furthermore, he topped his batch in the Bachelor of Science degree that he completed at University of Colombo in 1984. He was also the head prefect of Royal College, Colombo in 1980.